- Brand: Shimadzu
- Product Code: SHIMADZU UV-2401PC
- Availability: In Stock
Refurbished Shimadzu UV-2401PC UV-VIS recording spectrophotometer (p/n 206-82301-92). OPTIONAL: Shimadzu UV Probe PC workstation & Shimadzu CPS-240A cell positioner (p/n 204-05837-92). Please contact us for complete Shimadzu UV 2401 details. (UV2401)
System Specifications
*Optical System: Double-beam
*Spectral Bandwidth: 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2 and 5nm
*Wavelength Range: 190 to 900nm
*Accuracy: ±0.3nm
*Repeatability: ±0.1nm
*Photometric Readout: Absorbance, %Transmittance, %Reflectance, Energy
*Range: -4.000 to +5.000A; 0 to 999.9%T and %R
*Accuracy: (with NIST 930 Filter) ±0.002A (0 to 0.5A); ±0.004A (0.5 to 1A); ±0.3%T (0 to 100%T)
*Scan Speed: (approx. at 2.0nm) FAST (1233nm/min.), MEDIUM (641nm/min.), SLOW (467nm/min.), SUPER SLOW (310nm/min.)
*Drift: (after 2 hr. warmup) <0.0004A/hr.
*Lamps: Halogen (50W), deuterium
*Detector: Photomultiplier R-928
*Monochromator: Single
*Stray Light: (at 220 and 340nm) <0.015%
*Noise: (300nm peak-to-peak) 0.0030A