Prism 3100

  • $1.00

Prism 3100

Prism 3100


Data Sheet: Prism 3100 Data Sheet.pdf

Refurbished ABI Prism 3100 genetic analyzer (m/n 628-0030) complete with new laser, sample tray, syringe, upper and lower gel blocks, and PC with software. The Prism 3100 is a multi-color fluorescence based DNA analysis system with 16 capillaries operating in parallel, offers high-quality data and efficient sample processing for the busy research lab.

  • Increase laboratory productivity by processing 96- or 384-well plates with a 16-capillary array.
  • Obtain high-quality sequencing data at a lower cost by automating polymer and sample loading, and data analysis.
  • Perform all your sequencing and genotyping applications quickly, accurately, and reliably on a single instrument.
  • Choose from multiple polymers and capillary lengths.
The versatile 3100 system gives you the superior performance of fluorescence-based capillary electrophoresis technology in a compact instrument optimized for higher data quality, throughput, and reliability. Obtain fast, accurate results -- and lower project cost across the complete range of sequencing and genotyping applications. Please contact us for complete warranty, service contract and used/refurbished Hitachi/ABI 3100 Prism system details.