Refurbished Thermo Scientific Q Exactive Plus hybrid quadrupole-Orbitrap mass spectrometer with ion max housing, ESI probe, Leybold pump and PC workstation. 140,000 mass resolution at m/z 200 at a scan rate of 1.5 Hz. OPTIONAL: Nanospray Flex source (p/n ES071), Thermo Vanquish UHPLC complete with Vanquish Binary Pump F (p/n VF-P10-1), Vanquish Split Sampler FT (p/n VF-A10-A), Vanquish Diode Array Detector (p/n VF-D11-A), Vanquish Column Compartment (p/n VH-C10-A), and Vanquish solvent tray.
OPTIONAL COLUMNS: 6040.2225 Thermo Scientific Viper (IDxL 0.10*250mm Viper SST), 6040.2320 Thermo Scientific Viper (IDxL 0.13*750mm Viper SST), 00F-4336-E0 Phenomenex (SynerGi 4U POLAR-RP 80A) 150x 4.60mm 4 micron, 00B-4251-B0 Luna 3U C18(2) 100A, New Column 50x2.0 mm, 00F-4424-E0 Phenomenex (SynerSi 4U Fusion-RP 80A) 150x 4.60mm 4 micron, 00F-4251-B0 Luna 3U C18(2) 100A, New Column 150x2.0 mm, 00F-4495-AN Kinetex 2.6u Phenyl-Hexyl 100A,New Column 150x2.1 mm, 00B-4496-AN Kinetex 2.6u XB-C18 100A 50x2.10mm
Hybrid Quadrupole-Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer. Mass Range: m/z 50-6,000. Max Resolving Power: 140,000 @ m/z 200 (280,000 optional). Max Scan Rate: Up to 12 Hz at resolution setting of 17,500 @ m/z 200. Mass Accuracy: Internal: < 1 ppm RMS, External: < 3 ppm RMS. Dissociation: In-Source CID, HCD. Scan Functions: FS, AIF, SIM, PRM, DIA, ddHCD. Quad Isolation: Step-less from full mass range down to 0.4 amu. Polarity Switching: One full cycle in < 1 sec (one full scan positive mode and one full scan negative mode at resolution setting of 35,000). Multiplexing: Up to 10 precursors/scan.
Technical enhancements to the original Q Exactive instrument maximize performance and reliability for large- and small-molecule applications. Advanced quadrupole technology (AQT) optimizes precursor selection and transmission, improving quantitation of low-abundance ions in the most complex matrices. Sophisticated data-independent analysis (DIA) and parallel reaction monitoring (PRM) provide reproducible quantitation results while delivering complete qualitative confidence. An optional Protein Mode enhances analysis of intact proteins through sophisticated ion beam control and easy pressure adjustment, while optional 280,000 maximum resolution ensures maximum ID confidence in top down and Lipidomics as well as in small molecule applications. The implementation of the Advanced Active Beam Guide is an intelligent ion beam management for high flux ion sources, which ensures the reliability and accessibility needed for every day operation. Please contact us for complete refurbished/used Thermo Q Exactive Plus mass spectrometer system, warranty and service contract details. (Q-Exactive Plus)