Thermo Q Exactive

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  • $2.00
Thermo Q Exactive

Thermo Q Exactive


Refurbished Thermo Scientific Q Exactive Hybrid Quadrupole-Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer. Please contact us for complete refurbished/used Thermo Q Exactive mass spectrometer system, warranty and service contract details. (Q-Exactive)

Q Exactive Specifications
Mass Range: m/z 50-6,000
Max Resolving Power: 140,000 @ m/z 200
Max Scan Rate: Up to 12 Hz at resolution setting of 17,500 @ m/z 200
Mass Accuracy: Internal: < 1 ppm RMS External: < 3 ppm RMS under defined conditions
Sensitivity: Full MS: 500 fg Buspirone on column S/N 100:1 SIM: 50 fg Buspirone on column S/N 100:1
Dynamic Range: 5000:1
Polarity Switching: One full cycle in < 1 sec (one full scan positive mode and one full scan negative mode at resolution setting of 35,000)
Multiplexity: Up to 10 precursors/scan
Analog inputs: One (1) analog input (0 - 1 V) One (1) analog (0 - 10 V